Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Make-A-Wish Makes a Young Boy's Fishing Dream Come True

John Underwood, a Division I athlete and business major from Greenwich, Connecticut, has a long history of volunteering and fundraising. He has been involved with his local Make-A-Wish Foundation as a member of the Young Professional Advisory Council for over a decade. In that time, John Underwood has raised more than $40,000 for the organization. Fundraisers allow Make-A-Wish to bring joy and hope to young children battling serious diseases.

Make-A-Wish recently helped a young boy named Miles fulfill his dream to go fishing in Hawaii. Diagnosed at age five with leukemia, Miles was unable to participate in nature-based family trips while he underwent chemotherapy. After being accepted by Make-A-Wish, Miles requested a fishing trip in a warm location and decided upon Hawaii.

His anticipation of this exciting trip helped carry him through his grueling treatments. Once he was healthy enough, Miles and his family flew from the mainland to Hawaii. During the unforgettable experience, he went off-boat fishing, took part in a traditional Hawaiian Luau, and enjoyed Hawaii’s pristine beaches. Miles’s parents credit the trip and Make-A-Wish for bringing hope to their family.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Nick’s House of the HEADstrong Foundation

 HEADstrong Foundation logo image from headstrong.org

An academic excellence scholar at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John Underwood is a member of the school’s Division 1 varsity lacrosse team. John Underwood and other members of the team are growing their mustache to raise funds that will directly benefit Nick’s House of the HEADstrong Foundation.

The HEADstrong Foundation was initiated by Nick Colleluori, a dying cancer patient who was a varsity lacrosse player at Hofstra University. Among the services the foundation provides is Nick’s House, a complimentary guest house for cancer patients and is located close to Philadelphia. Very often, families have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to receive cancer treats found in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Sadly, many of these families have to stay in Philadelphia for over 50 days causing great financial and emotional stress. Nick’s House is there to help meet the unique needs of these families. Cancer patients who are eligible to stay at the house are those who live at least 50 miles away from Philadelphia, can stay at least14 days, and in the constant company of an adult caregiver.